Wednesday, November 29, 2006

grate typo

meant to write:
see you next Friday,

actually wrote:
see you next frienday,

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

jedi mind trick

I was doing my thing at work, using all the stuff I normally use, when I hit an odd combination of keys and mouse clicks and managed to pop up some useful windows and toolbars. It was kind of cool, I was very impressed that these capabilities already existed - sometimes the developers can't predict the ways in which the users are going to be using things and I often request features like this after the fact. But here they were, already there, like they were reading my mind! I emailed the developer in charge of the program to ask how long these features had been there and to tell him how cool and useful I found them. (I believe in positive reinforcement). Here is his response:

A few months at least, since right around the time that you requested it!

I guess its like I was reading my own mind.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

not what i meant

*part of a conversation I had with this very sweet 22-year-old girl that is new at work while we were out at a bar last night.

me: "I always said I would never dance in front of people I work with."
her: "I know, I'm a bad dancer too!"

Thursday, November 16, 2006

i'm a bree

my downstairs neighbors have been expecting a baby - she was due on Nov. 8th, but was late. The plan was that if she didn't deliver by the 15th she'd go in and they would induce labor. I happened to see her on Tuesday night, so we spoke a little bit about how excited and nervous they were. She said "I'm getting less and less nervous for the labor and more and more nervous that we are going to come home with a baby!" On Wednesday I thought of them at one point...wondering if they had a new daughter yet. Thinking how exciting it would be to bring her home with them. And my next thought was -- and I don't know where this came from, really...I don't -- I wondered if they had cleaned their house before they went to have a baby. Not cleaned their house in the baby-proof-set-up-a-nursery-buy-baby-furniture way, but like, do the dishes and the laundry. I'm not sure why I thought this was important, it's not like they are having a house guest...they are having a daughter - and she certainly wont care if they are a day or two behind on dishes.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I just emailed my boss to ask him something and he answered me, and added in an extra line at the end. A sentence whose information confused me (however it was of a very trivial nature, along the lines of which free desk someone was going to use, it was the choice that confused me). So I stood up and asked my nearby-cube neighbor if it made sense to her. Our other cube-neighbor stood up and said it didn't make much sense to him either. We had a little conversation about it. I sat down and there was another email from my boss:

p.s. don't spread it around - it's still a bit of a secret :)

a secret??!?! I'm blown away that this topic is a secret. And more shocked that my boss didn't realize he needed to tell me that sooner...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


At work today I was on my way back to my desk when three of my co-workers who I haven't seen in a little while were all standing around the hallway chatting. The conversation started with "Jenni, you look like you are in a hurry" (which I was) so I said, "ya, I didn't get here until 11:30 this morning because I had a doctor's appointment, and now there is just so much to do." And then someone made sure to ask if I voted. To which my response was "Yes, I was up early, I went to vote, and then I went and got two shots." The conversation continued for a little while about the elections and then one co-worker interrupted with "what shots did you get?" and another co-worker further questioned "bourbon?" and the third replied "no, tequila?" to which I said - "No, flu!" I guess they all thought that I was slamming them down after voting at 8am.

I'm less concerned that they thought I was at the bar at 8am, and more concerned with the fact that at least two of them thought this was fine and could go unquestioned...

Thursday, November 02, 2006


This morning I had messages in my work Inbox, and I wanted to share them.

From: Gilda Farmer
Subject: needle girder multiple-disk clutch

and the two housemaids.dared not believe it, and could not help saying so.

From: Carey Hansen
Subject: paper-palisaded nut palm

an embarrassment impossible to be overcome. had his first appearance, or his resemblance to the

From: Francisca Baca
Subject: never-ending ordeal tree

amiable feeling; that had his actions been what mr. wickham represented them, so gross a violation of and extensive patronage. yet in spite of all these temptations, let me warn my cousin elizabeth, and

From: Edmond Mckay
Subject: nipa alcohol night-fly

and i do not think it of light importance that he should have attentive and conciliatory manner towards