Tuesday, August 28, 2007

words of wisdom

How to be really cool
Walk around a college campus, holding a map, looking for a building mysteriously called "ARC". When all else fails, ask an undergrad where said building is (while still holding the map, and preferably standing right in front of the building you are asking about!)

How to be in just the right place
Walk from your building, in all directions but the right one for a while, to your professor's building. Call when you get there, as instructed since the building is security controlled and you can't get in otherwise, to find out he's actually in his other office - one floor up from your own office.

How to make friends in your class
Brainwash all of the departmental faculty to believe that you are somehow super-human and that your presence in their department promises to bring $billions in grants and about 17 Nobel Peace prizes. Also helpful if they are less than discrete about this belief.

How to make a good first impression
Leave the country during your first full week of classes!

How to spend the last night before classes start
Watching the Red Sox stomp on the Yankees. I mean, that one's obvious!

Sunday, August 26, 2007


I went to IKEA today. I dreaded it a little, there's been a lot of shopping lately. That, and, I'm incapable of making decisions. I don't even know what I like anymore. But, I went. And after waiting to return a silverware drawer tray that was too big (for a $2.15 store credit) I began the tour.

At one point, I walked through a living room set-up, and into a kitchen. (No table, darn.) On through the bedroom. Where there is a man. under the covers of the bed. reading a book.

I was startled, and clearly confused. I said "Oh, I'm sorry!" and turned around to walk to the bathroom set-up. Once there, I realized what I had done. I mean, I definitely felt like I walked in on someone napping in their bedroom, but this was IKEA. And then I became aware of the fact that I had apologized for it, and walked away. Into the bathroom. Which was a dead end. I pretended to look around while I planned my escape. The only thing I could do was go back out through the bedroom. And that guy had the nerve to glare at me over his book my whole way through his room.
in IKEA.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

so long sweet summer

packing day slowly turns into travel day.

Bo is leaving for better places; far-away lands with no cell service, no internet, and questionable running water and/or electricity. But, damn if he won't save a few lives while he's there. To recap, Bo and I are living in the same time zone for the first time in 4 years - and now, 3 weeks later, he's off to AKDT - 4 hours behind me. And then from there, he's back to EDT for a few weeks. I think in November he rolls back to good ol' CDT. At which point I hope for a visit - a few too many beers at the best hole in the wall Austin can offer, and a Bo and Deb reunion dart night....watch your feet fellas!

I'll miss ya, Kid!! ;)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

some things I meant to leave behind

Last night I was reading a book before going to bed, and I heard a familiar sound. Mia heard it too.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

east and west

folding laundry sucks pretty much no matter where you live.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

if you drive out of range

One of my favorite ways to explore a new place is to just drive around. I like to get lost and find my way home, it's the best way to see where things are and how they connect. Before I left beantown Allison once credited me as knowing how to get anywhere from anywhere in the city - and she wasn't wrong. It took years to connect all the pieces, but it sure is fun to drive and get lost. Even more fun with Millie, since I can pay a little less attention to how to get back and more attention to the scenery.

I drove yesterday around this neighborhood, amazing views of hills with completely beautiful houses, and the sides and cliffs. Lots of trees, with rooftops poking out. And I tried my best to get some good pictures while only causing minimal traffic dilemmas. At one point I followed a curve in the road and saw about 6 deer (deer? deers? these are things I definitely should know) in the road. Basically just standing around, chillin'. They slowly crossed the road as I approached and stopped in someones front yard to graze. They just stayed there. So content that I wonder if they belong there. I mean, are they pets? Could people own these deer? Either way - they were so peaceful. It made me happy.

is she good at trivia?

y'all know the answer is yes, but did you know this:

* Texas is the only state that rejoined the union under a treaty; we can leave at any time and make our own country.

* Texas is the only state that has permission to fly the state flag higher than the US flag; while most of the time you will notice the US flag is flown higher, out of respect, the Texas flag is generally bigger.

* The King Ranch in Texas is bigger than the state of Rhode Island.

* Dr Pepper was invented in Waco in 1885; there is no period after the Dr in Dr Pepper.

* Texas is the only state to have the flags of 6 different nations fly over it. They are: Spain, France, Mexico, Republic of Texas, Confederate States, and the United States. The name of the popular amusement park, Six Flags, was originally Six Flags over Texas.

* Texas has the largest population of white-tailed deer.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I set out today to become a Texan. It's a process. A multi-step process. A multi-step process that has to be done in precisely the right order. That order is:

a. insurance
b. inspection
c. registration and title
d. license

In that order. But, once you start down this road you pretty much have to finish right away. You can't very well be driving with your Texas inspection and your Massachusetts plates for too long, can you?

So I called the insurance company this morning, and thus it began. I had to select how much coverage I wanted for various things - where do you draw the line. I'd like to pay as little as possible now, and have you pay as much as possible later, because I have no money now, and will have none later. The woman politely told me insurance doesn't work like that. I told her it should. I don't think she disagreed. So, by noon I was set up with new insurance. And panicked - was I supposed to alert my credit union, the people who actually own my car (until I pay them back!)?

a. insurance
b. inspection
c. registration and title
d. license

On to step B. This one is a little trickier to execute, and to procrastinate from the task at hand I decided to once again call the city of Somerville. Dare I say, I may have made some progress - and after giving up the names and addresses of all my accomplices, my new best friend Diane said she would take care of it. Yee-Haw! Now, really on to step B: inspection. I had to head off to a state inspection site, with proof of ownership and insurance (see step A). I decided that I had seen a gas station with a carwash, and this was the first place I thought I should look. The gas station did not do state inspections, but did clean the clear sticky stuff off my car. I spotted a Jiffy Lube, no inspections. I spotted a Midas - which I boycotted (and will continue to do for the rest of my life!). The I spotted an Express Lube, with a sign for State Inspections. Bingo!

As I grab all of my papers, proof of registration, insurance, and identification, I suddenly realize - title? What about the TITLE? So I rummage through the glove box, hoping it's there, but thinking it's a really stupid place to store the cars title - in the car. And I panic. Where would it be. I think and search, and then a quick call to the credit union cleared it all up:

"Hi, I was just wondering, do you have my title or do I?"
"Oh, we have that."
"Thank you!"

On to inspection. His name is Rick, he was very polite. They inspected my car, gave me a coupon to come back for an oil change, and pointed me down the road three blocks to the Title office, where he told me to ask for Wanda.

a. insurance
b. inspection
c. registration and title
d. license

I arrived at the title office, where I would need to show proof of insurance, ownership, and inspection. Oh, and pay a bajillion dollars. Her name is Wanda, and she was very nice. She pulled out each piece of paper that she needed from my stack of papers and gave me forms to fill out. She went off to make photocopies and came back and said "Ok, that will be a bajillion dollars. Will you be using cash or a check?" And I stammered..."ummm, card? card???" She chuckled, that 'oh-darlin'-what-are-you-thinking' chuckle, and said "only cash or check!" So I gulped, and reached for my checkbook. My checkbook that I had left on my coffee table. So I blinked a few times, trying to figure out whether I could get a bajillion dollars from the ATM... I asked if I could go fetch my checkbook and come back. "Of course you can," said Wanda. So I went home, to grab my checkbook. And went back - to write a check. She then handed me a sticker for my window and new plates. And pointed me down the road about three blocks to the DMV - "once you pass the Whataburger, move over to your left...and then turn in the lot. But not before the Whataburger, wait until you pass it."

a. insurance
b. inspection
c. registration and title
d. license

I arrived at the DMV, where I had to show proof of insurance, ownership, registration, current drivers license and a social security card. The have this great little info desk, to ensure that everyone has all that they need. You fill out a form with them, and then you get to wait. I was there, number 295, and they were serving 268. So, I went outside to change my plates - thank god for the screwdriver I keep in my car. Finally my number was called. His name is Rob, and he was very polite. He pulled each piece of paper that he needed from my growing pile of papers. He handed me forms to sign. He gave me a vision test. He finger printed me. He made me raise my right hand and say "Yee-Haw!' Ok, not really. He made me raise my right hand and certify that I hadn't lied on my form and that I was not a criminal and it was legal for me to become a Texan. Then he laughed and said, I mean, if you have anything out on this license we'll find out right now anyway. Gulp, come on Diane...please have taken care of my Somerville mishap...I do NOT want to wait here again. So, Rob goes off to make some photocopies, and I decide to fill out my check in the mean time. I open the check book. to find.

I had used my last check at the Title office. Friggin' awesome.

I am surrounded by signs that say "Cash or Check only". Crap, ex-con wanted by Somerville. Crap, I can't pay for this. Crap, I'm becoming a Texan. think think think. I need to come up with $24. I have a twenty dollar bill. And then I remember, I have quarters. For laundry. I start counting; one, two, three, one dollar, one, two, three, two dollars...

Rob comes back, and I sweetly ask - this is just going to be $24, right? (one, two, three, three dollars...come on quarters!) And he says, "Yes, but there's been a problem, Rhode Island came back with something..." AHHHH! (one, two, three, FOUR DOLLARS). I basically dropped everything in my hands and shouted, "Rhode Island?" Rob just laughed and said, "kidding!" At which point I handed him a pile of quarters...and explained about the check. And he laughed through his apology of giving me a heart attack.

He handed me my temporary license, suggested I carry my passport with it should I want to do anything where my age may be questioned, and said "Welcome to Texas!"

a. insurance
b. inspection
c. registration and title
d. license



There's a parking spot in the parking lot near my house that is nicely situated under a tree. When I park under the tree my car is a balmy 98 degrees when I get inside, and the AC kicks in easily. When I don't park under the tree my car is about 4 billion degrees (read: HOT), too hot to hold the steering wheel and the AC struggles along to cool the car down for about 6 minutes. When I park under the tree my car is covered (read: COVERED. read: EVERYWHERE) with tiny speckles of something clear and sticky. When I don't park under the tree my car is as sparkling clean as I left it.

This week's solution - cool car goes to the car wash.

Next week - park in the sun.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Texas, we have a problem

So, I have 30 days to "Apply to be a Texan!"

Estimated Costs:
Vehicle Inspection - $40
New Resident Fee - $90
New Texas Title - $30
Vehicle Registration - $75
New Texas Drivers License - $25
Six Months of Car Insurance - $700
Finding a cowboy to pay for all of this - Priceless (well, not entirely, worth about a grand!)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Houston, we have a problem

I've adopted a new policy, of not freaking out until there's a reason to freak out - and even then, if there is nothing I can do, why freak out? I mean, it wastes so much time and energy. Time I'd rather be spending drooling on the couch watching Soap Net's afternoon lineup! Today presented a few different crises, and I successfully held off on the freak-outs!

My cell phone bill arrived last night, all $290 dollars of it. I could have cried my eyes out and run to the nearest pawn shop to sell my ..... (ya, I couldn't figure it out either, I mean, it never came to that though!) I patiently waited until I could call this morning to try and fix it. You see, I had thought to plan ahead, in June I upped my minutes to the next rate plan (double the minutes). I anticipated July and August to be high minute months. Well, seems that someone (at&t is the new cingular) didn't really up my minutes. I was ridiculously over the limit I had. I called, and with some minimal pleading they upped my minutes, applied it retroactively and credited me for the overages. I save $210 dollars, am looking at an $80 phone bill, and wasted no time freaking out!

Once that was taken care of I decided what better to do - I'll bake a cake. After mixing all the cake batter, and preparing the pans, and pouring the batter, I realized that perhaps something was wrong with the oven. I had preheated it to the necessary 350 degrees, but when I opened it, it seemed cool. After I was able to hang onto the heating element comfortably for 5 minutes I decided it definitely wasn't working. I fiddled a bit, and turned up the heat - and eventually got that puppy to heat up. So I baked my cakes. At 550 degrees. For an hour and a half. And I might have taken them out too soon. (for you non-bakers, the cake was supposed to take 35 minutes at 350 - so an hour and a half at 550 is completely absurd. I might have been better if I'd taken AZ's suggestion of leaving them out on the sidewalk...like sun tea. Sun Cake!) A call has been placed to the management, who agrees it's not working, and I'm going to dream of a new oven tonight. (at least I hope that's their plan!)

Now, the impending warrant for my arrest issued by the city of Somerville, I haven't made so much progress on that. But, I'm not freaking out, I doubt they will come deep in the heart to find me, at least not anytime soon.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

day-dream believer

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - sometimes it just doesn't feel like this is my life, it feels like it's just this thing that's happening around me.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

oh, but i am!

taken from yesterday's conversation with my friend Allison:

"I think he kept the name in your memory.
I mean, not because you're the dead wife."

This is in reference to a comment NH made to me before I left, where he likened me to "one of those cancer-wives who introduces her husband to her hot girlfriends before she goes". I'm happy to be memorialized in Boston, but please remember to visit the grave sometimes - turns out it's kinda fun down here!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

ultimate adhd

This morning I dropped my parents off at the airport (and by "dropped off" I mean, said good-bye to them in the parking lot of their hotel, handed them a map to the airport, and said good luck!) It sounds cruel, let me repaint the picture - they had a rental car to return, and this entire interaction took place through streams of tears! So, I'm not heartless, quite the contrary!

The rest of the day has fabulous activities planned, like laundry, grocery shopping and unpacking. I'm drifting somewhere between unmotivated and restless. There is so much to do, but I keep distracting myself from one task, with another. So it goes something like this:

I get up to go check my laundry in the dryer. I see a pile of Mia's things that can be put away. I pick some up and bring them to a cabinet (intending to go and get the rest). Once in the kitchen I notice that I can move the trash bag closer to the front door. I do that. Then I remember I was going to check my laundry, so out I go. Back in I see the rest of the pile of Mia's stuff, and also some shoes. Where to put shoes? Off to my closet to see where the shoes should go. On my way, I see the bathroom...did I spray Tilex in the shower today? I don't think so. Hmmm, the Tilex is in the kitchen, I should move that. On the way to the kitchen I see Mia's stuff, grab some and put it away. Now, why was I in the kitchen? Back to my room. Oh, Tilex. To the kitchen.

That whole process took about 35 minutes and accomplished putting away two of Mia's things. I'm basically running around in circles, and it can not be the most efficient way to do things. can. not.

I think the laundry is done, which now means it's time for the grocery store - oh joy. I'm going to go there without a list and see what it is I think I need, which is a horrible idea. But at least at the grocery store I can go up and down the aisles in order - instead of run in circles. It'll be a nice change.

and, I never Tilexed the tub. damn.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

allison, this is for you!

I finally started playing with some of the options on my camera. I took this picture with "color swap" - no photoshop here, my camera is awesome!
And this one was taken using the "color accent" option.
Maybe I should take a photography class! (haha.)

Monday, August 06, 2007

pop quiz

My mom recently pointed out that I've gone to school in four capitol cities. (Actually, to be accurate, she pointed out that I've lived in 3 capitol cities, and I corrected her and said I'd never lived in one yet, but that I'd been to school in four - not three.) But, regardless, it's true - four capitol cities. Can you name all four?

Bonus points if you can name the school and degree that came out of each!


This morning I woke up, and was a little slow to get ready. I got up and did a few things in the living room and kitchen, and I was walking back to my room - and I saw the result of Mia's first kill in the apartment. I was, obviously, grossed out. But, happy that she was here to take care of these things!

Maybe my old (sad to write that) roommate is the one who knows best what probably happened when I saw this. But, I screamed. I screamed, and I covered my mouth with my hands, and then I convulsed a little - in extreme disgust. And then I sucked it up and took care of this sucker. Luckily, it was right near the front door...so armed with a few paper towels (to protect me from the bug) I opened the door and brushed him outside. I convulsed again, still disgusted, and used two Lysol wipes to clean the floor where the bug had been. Problem solved. On with my morning.

So, about now I get into the shower. I stopped to admire my new bathmat and the shower curtain - they are both very nice, and match my bedroom nicely. I'm sure I smiled at my good taste as I stepped into the shower. I do feel, in general, people are most vulnerable when they are in the shower - perhaps the events of the morning would have transpired differently if I had not been in the shower. But, I was. I reached over for the conditioner, and there he was - hiding behind my bottle.
I was immediately out of that shower, shrieking, and dripping everywhere. My gut instinct was to run far away - so I ran, dripping and naked, out of the bathroom, out of my bedroom, and into the kitchen. Once there, I huddled in the corner, convulsing and sobbing. HOW GROSS. And then, I was struck by the awful thought - if I am not watching him, he may get away and I won't know where he is. So, I ran back to the bathroom. I looked at him - in that same place. (I mean, really, at this point he hasn't moved at all, and he might be dead). But, I am still intermittently screaming at him. I decided that I'd be safe standing on the toilet where I could watch him intently, but from a distance. So I stood here, for a while, and calmed down. I decided to call my old roommate, because we've been through things like this before, and I figured she could talk me through it - or at least make me laugh about it. She did.

Now it's time to deal with this bugger, but how? I mean, I didn't want to squish him - under other circumstances I might think he was cute (although, Allison knows I don't touch reptiles...) but, this morning, in my shower - not cute. I returned to the bathroom armed with a plastic cup. At which point, he was off and running - FAST. All over the tub. And I'm back on the toilet screaming. I decided that the plastic cup would not contain this guy, so I got a glass. And I trapped him in it! Then I left it there, for a long time. I was riddled with guilt that he was suffocating, so I went back to deal with it. I slid some paper under the glass, and then cardboard under that, and then using a hand towel to protect me, I got him out of the bathtub. I ran to the front door and quickly released him. And convulsed in disgust.

About 2 hours later, my dad was leaving the apartment and the lizard came back - bee-line for the bathroom. This time there was much less screaming (but not none), and I grabbed my lizard-catchin'-glass, and I removed him a second time. This time he was released farther from my door.

If he comes back once more, he gets a cage and a name. Any suggestions?

And - the perfect end to a day like this? We tried to go to the Congress Street bridge to see the bats. We didn't see any bats, and I guess I was disappointed, but I think I've had enough critters for one day!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

texas or bust

I've arrived safely in Austin, but what an adventure getting down here. And since my mom planned a great road trip and Mia was a fantastic traveler, the six days in the car seemed to fly by.

Here is an account of our trip, taken from another blog I contribute to. Enjoy!

9:43am I am nervous. The apartment is nearly empty, and the pod is still here (it shouldn't be). I'm off to get a check for the washer and dryer I sold.

10:37am I've returned with my check, and am pleasantly surprised to see most of the free stuff I left on the sidewalk is gone. Only the microwave remains. And the pod is still in the driveway.

11:18am All the trash is out of the apartment and Mia is officially being deprived of food. One last trip with 5 bags of clothes to the goodwill drop box!

12:21pm Showered, microwave and pod still present. Carting luggage down to my car. Mia is now officially being deprived of food AND water.

1:02pm The Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy should be about half over by now...wonder how the soon-to-be-Owen Wilson doppelganger is doing?

1:13pm Keyspan does not supply letters of credit, $200 deposit to Austin Electric coming up!! Apartment empty, pod and microwave (you guessed it) still here!

1:32pm Mia is all ready to go, and in true Martinoz fashion, the last thing to get packed is the modem. It strikes me now, I no longer live in Watertown...I don't live in Austin yet...it's confusing. Rhode Island or Bust!

3:11pm If a pod is picked up from a driveway and no one is around to see it, has it really been picked up?! They say that they have my pod...I wonder if the microwave is still there.

3:47pm I've arrived in RI. Day zero, complete. Now off to see the fluffy bunny!

10:07pm Millie has been updated with new software and current maps; hotel confirmations, addresses, phone numbers have been printed; books on CD have been obtained; and lots of kitty cleansing wipes have been stored in the car. I think we're ready for day one!

7/27/07, Day 1. Destination: Washington, D.C.

7:10am I'm up. Mia's hungry, but no food for her this morning. Busily trying to get everything we need for a five day car adventure.

8:30am And we're off...DC or bust!

9:01am We’ve left our house in RI, all packed in the car, and Mia seems terribly excited! Mileage 15888.

11:07am We’re in NYC, driving through the Bronx, to the GW bridge. Boos erupted as we passed Yankee Stadium.

11:37am Entering NJ. Allison is exit 13, we’ve waved.

12:23pm Stopped for lunch – no fried oreos in sight.

3:17pm In Delaware, our 5th state of the day. (RI, CT, NY, NJ, DE)

3:55pm STILL in Delaware. Traffic sucks, I hate the Delaware Memorial Bridge.

4:39pm Entering Maryland. It’s hot, I’m grumpy. We’ve just finished our first book on CD, Ellen Degeneres reading her book “The funny thing is…” (and it was funny….)

7:15pm Stopped to buy flowers in Georgetown (Washington, DC) to bring to our gracious hostess for the evening.

7:29pm In Arlington, Virginia. Seven states today, and DC. Off to get food, and beer.

7/28/07, Day 2. Destination: Bristol, VA.

7:08am I’m up. Mia’s pretty vocal right now, and it’s not a happy vocal. We spent the night with some old friends (of mine) who have a cat that is an old enemy (of Mia’s). She’s been secluded from the mean cat (Bentley) but can tell he’s nearby. She’s not been terribly happy.

8:58am The car is re-packed, Mia is happy to be out of Bentley’s apartment, and we’re on our way from Arlington,VA. Mileage 16264

9:43am Ok, now we are REALLY on our way – after much needed stops at the bank, the drug store, for coffee and soda, and gas.

10:53am Recalculating. Millie is very angry. I’ve missed our exit (the SECOND time today). Effective cost, about 15 miles, 25 minutes, 3 different highways, and probably a full day and a half of kind-hearted ribbing from my mom.

11:34am We’ve arrived at the Skyline Drive. Many pictures to follow.

12:05pm I’ve connected to our router, and posted my blogcast from yesterday. Also heard from Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy patient…he feels terrible.

1:49pm We’ve stopped for lunch, complete with a few bottles of Dominion (Virginia brewed beer) and are having a mini-picnic on a grassy area. Mia seems happy to be out of the car, although she won’t run around like I wanted her to.

4:57pm Blogging from the road, are you catching this? I finally gave my mom a chance to drive...so here's what you've all been waiting for! We're on 81 South in VA, at exit 150B

7:15pm We've arrived in Bristol, Virginia. Now to find dinner...

7:55am I'm up. Mia seemed happy in the hotel all night. We've got a shorter driving day today so we're going to take our time getting out of here!

9:08am A hair-dryer, finally! I haven't used one of these since I packed mine last Sunday night.

10:06am Off for breakfast at the pancake house.

11:25am After breakfast, gas and a trip to Wal-mart we’re off! Mileage 16677.

11:34am Entering Tennessee – the Volunteer State, whatever that means.

1:32pm Stopped at an information center, with free soda and popcorn. I picked up two coupons (one for me and one for my mom) for 50 free firecrackers – no purchase necessary. My mom said “No!” I know for a fact if I had been on this road trip with certain other people I’d have at least 100 free firecrackers right now (200 if we could go back twice!)

1:48pm I’ve been pretty good at getting us where we need to go, but I was reluctant to miss this turn, it was an important one, so I did cut someone off pretty bad. Got the Tennessee finger!

1:54pm At the entrance to Dollywood! (see, I told you that turn was important).

2:21pm Inside a gift shop at the Smoky Mountain Welcome Center. There is music playing, and the refrain of the current song is "...nothing but the blood of Jesus..." ahhh, the South!

Some other hours between 2:30 and 5:30pm At the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Man, this place is freakin’ beautiful. I’d love to come back – we should make a Martinoz camping trip, to this place. We saw mountains, and rivers, and waterfalls, and trees, and birds – oh my. Even Mia got out and ran through the woods a bit.

5:50pm Found our hotel, the Bunkhouse Inn on the River. There’s a sign out front saying they’re closed “See y’all soon!” We had to call and find the secret hidden key to let us into our room, decorated with birds.

7:12pm Chicken Dumplin’s for dinner. And big cans of Coors Light. While sitting on the river. I can almost hear a banjo playing…

7/30/07, Day 4. Destination: Memphis, TN

6:43am I'm awake. Today is a bit longer of a day, especially because we want to stop for lunch in Nashville. The rest of TN has a lot to live up to, Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg, and Townsend have really been a trip.

7:02am Mia's crying, for really the first time the whole trip. Likely she's hungry, but she's just not getting any food. I feed her each night, when we stop, and that's it. I've learned too much food in a kitty's belly is no match for the car.

9:03am Ate breakfast and on our way. Mileage 16866.

10:10am(Eastern)/9:10am (Central) Crossed into Central Time Zone.

11:37am (Central) Arrived in Nashville, tried to find the BBQ restaurant Neely's - but they have no outdoor seating and it's too hot to leave Mia in the car. Headed elsewhere.

12:04pm (Central) Arrive at the Grand Ole Opry House. Mia fights me a bit on her way out of the car, I've got a scratch down my arm, one on my face, I had a paw in my mouth, and I have a few gashs nicely placed elsewhere - I look like I was in a knife fight. I like it.

1:35pm (Central) Leaving Nashville, headed for Memphis.

3:27pm (Central) This ride is semi-uneventful.

4:57pm (Central) Arrived in Memphis.

5:59pm (Central) I've set up phone, cable, and internet for my apartment in Austin. The guy at the cable company was very friendly...maybe he wants to be my friend? He's currently the only one who knows my new phone number - since I diddn't bother to write it down!

6:03pm (Central) Off to see what the heck is on Beale Street.

7/31/07, Day 5. Destination: Dallas, TX.

5:05am Mia is up and lonely. She won't stop crying. CNN seems to help.

7:02am I'm up, and tired. We're off early today - lots of stops.

7:39am We're leaving the hotel, have gotten gas and are on the way to the first very important stop. Mileage 17312.

8:33am We've made the pilgrimage to Graceland. They open early in the morning to view the grave sites, so we walked up to see them. I was surprised by the non-garishness of the exterior of Graceland. We did not go inside, I'm sure that's where the good stuff is.

8:45am Welcome to Arkansas. I asked why it was pronounced "arkansaw" but spelled A-R-K-A-N-S-A-S. Apparently the General Assembly agreed (by vote) to pronounce it "arkansaw" - weird.

11:00am Arrived in Little Rock for lunch. We drove on Bill Clinton Avenue, and found River Front Market. Mia sat outside with us, and attracted many comments from passersby. This area of Little Rock seems really cute, and everyone is so friendly - I'm not sure I can handle the Southern Hospitality, sometimes I just want to buy a sandwich without having a full out conversation.

12:19pm Leaving Little Rock on the way to Texarkana. At this point I've begun to tune out Millie's voice and I did not hear her tell me to bear right. I went left - towards Mississippi. But, Millie did not take offense and got us back on track.

2:30pm In Texas.

2:31pm In Arkansas.

2:32pm Texas

2:33pm Arkansas. We are in Texarkana, a town in both Texas and Arkansas, and keep going in and out of the states. We stopped at the "Ace of Clubs House" and also the Post Office, the only US post office that straddles two states.

3:28pm Really in Texas. The sky is bluer.

3:46pm Passing Exit 201 on US 30, for New Boston.

6:15pm 7 more miles. And we've hit rush hour traffic. It is pretty annoying.

6:47pm We've arrived at our hotel, not a minute too soon! Mia seems unaffected, but I am happy to be out of the car.

7:03am I'm awake, and into the shower. We're heading to Austin today, and it's a short day, but we've got an exciting excursion this morning.

8:35am After some hotel breakfast we're off - heading to South Fork Ranch in Parker Texas.

9:02am We're the first, and only people here, at the ranch where the show Dallas was taped. Who shot J.R.? I don't know, I'm not sure I ever saw the show...but whoever shot J.R., shot him here!

9:47am I'm corrected. Whoever shot J.R. shot him on a sound stage in California. They were only allowed to shot exterior shots here, nothing inside, and only during the months of June, July and August. We've learned about all the camera tricks (large mirrors and wide angle lenses make their small pool look Olympic-sized; a powdery substance laid on the asphalt driveway makes it look like it's a dusty dirt road!)

11:26am We're back from the ranch, picked up Mia, and away we go. To Austin. Mileage 17821.

2:13pm We've stopped for lunch in Waco, Texas.

3:03pm We've heard from my Dad, he's landed in Austin. We're about an hour out - so even with our 5 day head start, he beat us.

4:15pm We're here. We arrived in Austin and I let out a huge sigh. Mostly because I had to take a leak for the last 20 miles...it was starting to hurt. Mileage 18038.

and for those of you who like visual aids:
And thus concludes my trip to Texas. Thanks for giving me something to do each day.

Over and out!

Friday, August 03, 2007

key day

So far today I've signed my new lease, and the pod with my stuff has been delivered. I'll get the key sometime around 3:30!

Thursday, August 02, 2007


I haven't yet decided if burnt orange is my color - but I have a piece of fleece that color now. We raided the campus store today, it looked like a longhorn blew up in there. I mean, they have longhorn everything. Seriously, EVERYTHING!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

southern hospitality

I don't think I'm the first one to notice that the South is very different from the North. Or that New England is a strange little place that somehow exists in a very unique way. But, they sure are different. Let me start with, people in Virginia, Tennessee, and Arkansas definitely merge onto the highway differently. I can't say they are bad at it, it's just different. It took me a while to figure out. While, in my mind, I was giving them a perfect hole to slip into - about 7 Boston cars would have zipped into the hole I left. But, no, down south, no zipping in. There was a strange waiting game, where they slowed down to get behind me. So I learned, to not really slow down - maybe speed up.

The other thing that is different - sex. Never have I thought so much about premarital sex. But, all throughout Tennessee there were these billboards, trying to prevent premarital sex. One had the picture of a pregnancy test and said "Here's one test you don't want your kids to pass". And the website was something like www.waitformarriage.com (but it wasn't that, but it was close). My other favorite had a set of wedding bands and said "The Only Real Sex Symbol". Really?! Now scattered amongst all of these billboards were others for the millions of 24-hour Adult Bookstores, and Sex Toy Stores, and the like. I've never seen such mixed messages.

But, what I can get used to is the "Southern Hospitality" - people are just legitimately friendly. I mean, maybe they're just bored - but they're not bored and grumpy. I've had some great conversations with people everywhere, a woman in the rest area, the clerk at a store, a billion waitresses, a woman who was waiting in line for a sandwich with me, another woman in the bathroom, people in our hotels, people in the parking lots. Everywhere. All the time. They are a'talkin'. And holding doors. Lots of door holding. It makes me smile.