I feel like I've got more time than most, I'm still on vacation and it's just silly to start my "resolutions" before I've returned to real life. But, I'm going to use this time to plan some needed changes, and to incorporate some good ideas. I'm devising an extensive list, with items under headings like "Health", and "Fitness", and "Money" and "Organization". There are many items under each heading - more specific than "lose weight", but with actual small steps to achieve these goals - like, "don't eat cheese at every meal, and 3 times in between!".
My grand plan is to select a few of these smaller steps to focus on each month. Perhaps, if I can take January to cut back on my cheese consumption, I won't have to think about it as much in February. Then I can use February to stop eating every single thing I bake!
I'd like to be held accountable for most of these small goals, so I'm predicting that you'll hear about them at the beginning and end of every month. Join in if you'd like, I like tackling things as a team rather than all alone!
Happy Twenty-Ten!