There is a big statue of the Merlion, which is half Lion half Mermaid, and a mythical creature that one of the native Singaporeans claims to have seen. It has become quite a legend in Singapore and a symbol of the country. The big statue is currently being cleaned, and covered in some signs that say "please excuse me while I take a shower" but, there is a littler fountain version that is still visible.
Yesterday I had a day off from the lab so I was out doing some sight-seeing and some shopping. I went to the National Botanical Gardens, which was very lovely. The best part was the National Orchid Garden. The Orchid is the national flower and there were SO many of them. It was amazing. They also have hybrid orchids, which are cross-pollenated to create new strains. They've also created V.I.P Orchids, which are special hybrids named after important visitors. Laura Bush has one, as does Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth II, and many other notable politicians and the like. They were all so beautiful - I took MANY pictures, which don't quite capture their beauty, but I tried.

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