Sunday, March 02, 2008

with an i

Here's a piece of a conversation I had at a party on Saturday night with a girl whose name commonly ends in a y, but she spells it with an i.

me: "When you see your name but spelled with a Y, doesn't it just seem like something totally different?"
her: "Oh, definitely. In fact, I don't even like the name with a Y."
me: "me neither!"
her: "Whenever I go someplace and have to give my name, even where it doesn't matter, I always am sure to say..."
simultaneously: "WITH AN I!"


C.Pacheco said...

I always felt bad about the "I" and the quirky spelling of your name that I chose. But, I guess you are so used to it now that you like - wiht an "eye"!!

forever shaken said...

ah, so that explains "with an eye"
which i previously thought was just a nod to your unwavering optimism. it can be both!

i love clever wordplay

nanio said...

I thought it was Foucault's panopticon.

Jenni said...

why would you ever feel bad about the 'i'? I can't ever remember not liking it, or needing to get used to it. I own that 'i'!

C.Pacheco said...

I guess I felt bad because everyone gets it wrong!! Or at least they used to before you owned it!!