Wednesday, November 26, 2008

it's that day again

Last year there was much build up for today, this year I feel ill prepared.  I got up early to run this morning, I have to work all day, and I have not made a single list yet!! (well, ok, there was a list of recipe ingredients that was then made into a grocery store list - ordered by store aisle of course!)

I did my grocery shopping on Monday night, turns out I didn't need too much.  And I only have 3 items left to get*.  I was having trouble finding vegetable boullion - but Melanie assured me it exists.  I found mushroom based "Better than Boullion", but blech I don't like mushrooms.  She said also Knorr's makes a vegetable one.  Now, the Knorr's at my HEB was way up high, and I saw chicken, and beef, and tomato chicken, and an empty space in between.  I decided to scale the shelf and start digging.  I was perched on the end of my shopping cart, clutching tightly to the shelf with one hand, and digging with the other.  It was about this time that the shoppping cart slipped out from under my feet, and I was literaly dangling from the shelf.  So I decided that I could stand on the second to the bottom shelf and it might be easier.  I planted my feet, pulled myself up a little higher, and continued the search.  Only to find out that the empty space wasn't even where the vegetable boullion belonged.  Turns out that HEB didn't have any in stock.  Tonight, to Randall's.

I'm only making "half" of a Thanksgiving dinner this year - since a SchoolFriend of mine and I are splitting the job.  We're having it at her house (it's bigger), which also means I don't have to clean, or prepare for the onslaught of guests.  That's the best part.  I'll be making some breads, stuffing, cream of broccoli soup, and a dessert.  I'll start in on most of it later today - but I've already made my pumpkin ice cream for the dessert.  Feel free to follow my adventures photographically!

*I had 2 quarts of organic vegetable broth in my cart, for $2.73 each when I passed a display of regular HEB vegetable broth for $1.99.  At that time I couldn't remember the price of the organic broth, so I doubled back to check, realized it was more expensive and put it back on the shelf.  Then I began the climb up Mt. We-Don't-Have-Vegetable-Boullion, and forgot to triple back for the cheaper vegetable broth.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

logical thinking

I've made plans to run with my friend LD tomorrow morning.  I was talking to RO'D this afternoon and I mentioned my intent to run for the first time since the race.  His response:
Man, you don't even let the sheets get cold before you move on to someone else?
I was a bit confused and pointed out that he had run without me on Saturday and that I just needed a push to get back out again.  His response:
I ran alone!  Are you saying that you are justified in having an affair tomorrow because I masterbated on Saturday?
Dude, that's totally what I'm saying.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

rock 'n' roll

The day started at 5am, we were both up easily and quickly getting ready.  On top of our normal running gear we pulled on some hospital scrubs*, skull caps, and $0.72 gloves to combat the frigid morning temperatures.  The hotel we were at was full of other runners and the lobby was already bustling with camera crews, runners, fans, and volunteers.  We grabbed some tubs of frozen OJ and headed to what we hoped was the closest shuttle to the start line.  My nerves kicked in while we waited for the shuttle, and RO'D tried to chat with me, but I was mostly non-responsive.

We boarded the shuttle and headed for the StartLine Village.  It was crazy.  The heb was there with bagels and water and bananas, UPS was there for gear check, and about a bazillion other booths and tables (by the by, this is perhaps the best thing ever and should get filed under 'gifts for Jenni'!).

Technically we were in different corrals, because RO'D is super speedy and not. But he was super generous and started back with the slowpokes so that we could start together.  The gun went off somewhere in the distance, and we didn't move.  We stood around in the cold waiting for a full 38 minutes.  By the time our corral started I had to pee something fierce.  Our first mile was good, about 11 minutes, and we were pumped by the very first band at mile one.  Shortly after I made a pit stop to the port-a-pottie, and we were back on the road.  RO'D pulled ahead at about mile 3 and I was left to my own.  I was amazed at how quickly the miles went by.  There was a small clusterf@*$ at the water station at mile 5, it was the one and only time I was met with anything less than the greatest of sportsmanship.  A whole bunch of guys pushed me out of the way to get to the last three cups of cytomax, leaving me seemingly empty handed.  One of the cytomax volunteers saw it, and got me the first cup of fresh COLD cytomax - take that karma-punks drinking hot cytomax!!

During the race I ran into a few of the women I trained with - it was nice to see them on the course and run a bit.  I think we did the 5th mile together.  Then I plugged in the iPod and started to jam out.  If we could look at a breakdown of the individual miles, I think mile 7 might have been the fastest.  Mel made a few CDs for me and it was about then that 4 minutes was followed by Low, followed by Kiss Kiss - well how can you not run that whole time.  I loved having these CDs, made especially for me, while I was running.  It made me feel like there was someone there cheering me on, it really helped!  

Mile 10 was hard, and I walked more than ran.  Mile 11 was better.  And, I wasn't nearly as mad about the people at mile 12 who were yelling "You're almost there!"  The entire course was flat, except for a hill they placed nicely after the mile 13 marker - bastards.

At 2:49:28 (chip time), I crossed the finish line.

The finish line was well stocked with snacks, drinks, stretching areas, and free beer.  To put into perspective how I was feeling it took me 25 minutes to eat one banana, and another 25 minutes to finish one chewy granola bar.  You can imagine how long we sat on the ground starring at some band while we enjoyed our free beers.  After which we got up and walked (uh-huh, WALKED) back to our hotel.  It was a slow walk, a disorganized, non graceful walk.

I plan to do the half marathon in Austin, but more importantly, I plan to volunteer for other marathons and halfs.  I was blown away completely by the number of volunteers who were there just to pass me a cup of water, or make sure I had a warm aluminum foil blanket and a towel to keep me warm and dry when I was done.  They were everywhere, doing everything, and really - more than anything else - I don't think we could have done it without them.


Saturday, November 08, 2008


This morning was the last long run before next weekend.  We did 7 miles, and though it started off real rough, the low end of moderately cold, it ended up as a pretty solid run. As we ran RO'D asked me what my goal was for next weekend. I hate trying to chat while I run, mostly because I can't, but I managed to ask "Goal?" and looked at him puzzled.  "To finish." I said, wondering if that was good enough.  He said he hopes to finish under 2:10, and I was shocked.  I hadn't even considered what a reasonable target time would be.  I guess I'll be happy if I'm done in under 3 hours, but seriously - I think I'll just be happy if I finish.  Whenever that is.

Half way through RO'D left me, as is our habit, and took off at his accelerated pace - which also meant it was time for me to slow down to my much slower pace (so much for a negative split).  This left me with some time to think, not so much about my goal for the race - but, why I wanted to race.  Running has never been my dream, I absolutely can't say I've always wanted to do this.  I think my motivation is quite the opposite - I never wanted to do this.  I never even considered it was possible.

I run for all the girls who weren't quite cool enough to be one of the cool kids, who weren't quite athletic enough to be an athlete, who weren't artistic enough to be an artist.  I run for all the girls who were told they couldn't, who thought they shouldn't.  I run for all the girls who were laughed at, who were afraid, who cried.  I run because I don't have the time, but I make it. I run because it hurts, but I keep going.  I run because I want to stop, but I don't.  I run because I want one less thing to fail at.

An hour and twenty-one minutes after we started, I crossed the longest foot bridge there ever was, and met up with a waiting RO'D.  He had been there for about 18 minutes, but as I neared the end of the bridge he was jumping and cheering for me.  And then I was sure, all I really need is to cross the finish line next week.

I run for me, because I can.  

Friday, November 07, 2008

Halloween '08

After such build-up, it's true. I failed. Due to some unfortunate camera malfunctions I was only able to get one picture from the entire evening. Even more unfortunate, the friend who took it for me barely managed to get my costume in the photo. So here you have it, a poor attempt to show off my costume as a red lego piece. I should point out that my friend in the picture with me is a Star Fleet Commander from Star Trek, and she made her costume on Halloween at school in between meetings. And, it was quite amazing!