The whole 365 set is here.
1. You will never catch me riding a bike. I haven't since I was 8. I thought once I wanted to, I tried, and I realized I was wrong.
2. I have food issues: I don't eat eggs, I don't drink coffee or anything hot really, I don't eat seafood, I don't eat mushrooms. The reason for all of these is, I don't like it. I am a MUCH better eater than when I was younger.
3. I can't sleep with socks on, I can't eat with my hair down and I can't take care of the weird Texas bugs in my apartment without shoes on. It's just the way it is.
4. When I was little I was insanely, prohibitively shy.
5. When I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich I put peanut butter on both pieces of bread. I think it keeps the jelly from making the bread soggy, but also keeps the jelly from sliding out of the sandwich. And yes, I make PB&J quite often!
6. I am astounded on a daily basis by the lack of honesty that people (myself included) display. Not to get all "and the truth shall set you free" or "honesty is the best policy" on you - but really, its true. All I ever want to hear is the truth, even if it makes me upset - it's still the truth and I still want to know it.
7. I feel I will have failed when I stop being astounded by the lack of honesty and grow to accept it, or worse, expect it.
8. I am an only child. My mother is an only child. I once got into a fight with a girl about whether only children really exist.
9. I am a Red Sox die hard. And have been all my life. When I was younger Tony Pena was my favorite, and Dewey. Also, Carlos Quintana. Johnny Pesky symbolizes everything that is right with the city of Boston and the sport of baseball, in my eyes!
10. I know all the states in alphabetical order and their capitals.
11. I have been fortunate enough to have 6 really close guy friends during various stages in my life. Luckier in that I still talk to 4 of them!
12. I've developed a tolerance to novacaine (and lidocaine too), and I metabolize it ridiculously quickly. The last time I was at the dentist it took 10 shots to get it numb, and a shot every 10 or so minutes to keep it that way. Needless to say, I find dental procedures to be painfully annoying.
13. I have a mean streak, Pictionary and Cranium bring it out.
14. I can quote from every episode of the Cosby show. My homie and I used to pride ourselves on the ability to converse solely through Cosby quotes. ("This looks like a house that would have some cran-apple juice!")
15. I've had 4 cars, three of them have been mazda's. I started with a 1989 Mazda MX6 (rip MIB!), then moved down to a 1990 Mazda Protege. I drove a 1997 Hyundai Tiburon for a long time, and 3 years ago I bought a 2006 Mazda3.
16. I've had stitches on four different occasions. My lower lip, both inside and out (age 3), my head (age 8 - this is the incident that keeps me off a bike), all my wisdom teeth (age 18), my finger tip (age 26)
17. I was the most surprised of anyone at my decision to move to Texas and go to UT. I've not regretted that choice one single day!
18. I've only been thrown out of a bar once. It was because I threw a dart at some guy. Yes, it was on purpose. Yes, he deserved it. Yes, I warned him first, repeatedly. No, it didn't hit him. And yes, I'm glad no one got hurt.
19. I've been to 10 (more if we count all the islands in the caribbean) different countries, but only 22 states, and a portion of those were only on my drive down to TX. I have a tentative plan to do a driving tour of all 50 states with some friends, but we can't make it happen until we finalize the rules of our 50-state drinking game. Obvi!
20. I played lacrosse in college, not varsity it was just club. I like field hockey better, but wasn't good enough to play in college. I also rowed crew in high school, and started to in college. I was on the swim team for one season, I played basketball in 6th grade, and recently I've started distance running. For fun I've done intramural volleyball, floor hockey, ultimate frisbee, softball, and kickball. I've never once considered myself an athlete.
21. I have OCD tendencies about cleaning. I do it when I'm stressed, and I Clorox wipe everything.
22. My paternal grandfather passed away in 2007 and some of the guys my dad works with came to the wake. While talking to them it became obvious that they knew everything I'd done with the past 5 years of my life. They knew where I worked, and what I worked on, the trips I'd taken, the car I'd bought, every little thing. I cried at the thought of my dad going in to work to brag about his 27-year-old daughter.
23. When I use Microsoft Word I always have the paragraph symbols turned on. This inevitably freaks out anyone who tries to edit a document on my computer.
24. I've got a giant birthmark on my butt. I often forget it's there, and right now I am unsure which side it's on.
25. I'm a completely different person than I was at the age of 16. I think that's a good thing.
There are good days, and there are bad days. The end.