Sunday, January 11, 2009


There are a few of you who read this regularly who might not think I'm bat-shit crazy for what I'm about to admit.  And there's one of you whom I bet has probably done the same thing before. 

I was in a cleaning frenzy yesterday, I took down the christmas tree, I vacuumed the couch, I unpacked from my trip home, pretty basic.  Until I broke out the Clorox Wipes.  Then we know we are in trouble.  After vacuuming I emptied and cleaned the canister and all the various filters (because they were gross) - however, the frenzy did not stop there.  I clorox wiped the entire outside of the vacuum cleaner as well, because it looked like it needed it.  And, this isn't the first time I've done that.

I know I'm not alone, who else is with me?  And, if you're not - are you seriously satisfied using a dirty vacuum to clean your floors?!  I wonder who is the one with the problem...


Melanie said...

THAT'S A GOOD IDEA!!!!! I'm SO on board!!!!!

Jenni said...

are you telling me you've never done it? wow! Other things cloroxed yesterday: hair straightener, cell phone, car keys.

PTO Police said...

Oh, I've Clorox-wiped all of those things, including my vacuum and my dustbuster. The steering wheel and radio controls in my car are other favorite Clorox wipe targets. As my high school chemistry teacher used to tell us, there's nothing wrong with being OCD as long as you admit it ;-)

Anonymous said...

I clorox wipe my Clorox wipes.

Melanie said...

No, I haven't! But I will! I've definitely Cloroxed my cell phone though. And my TV remotes for sure!