Saturday, January 03, 2009

a lesson in counting

I just got back from a few days in Boston, where I was fortunate enough to use my mom's car and a friend's vacant apartment.  Here's the break-down:

Number of times I used my left foot for the brake: 2
Number of times I tried to shift the shifter while moving: 3
Number of times I tried to drive with the parking brake on, thinking I was simply stuck in the snow: 2
Number of times I tried to use my car key in my mom's car: 1
Number of times I set off the car alarm: 3
Number of parking tickets: 1
Number of times I cursed the fact that the windshield washer fluid shoots over the top of the car: 19
Number of times I could not figure out how to open the apartment/building door: 3
Number of times I understood what this thing was for: zero
Number of times I misplaced my wallet: 1
Number of phone conversations with Reid: 1
Number of good times had with friends: uncountable.

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