Thursday, April 02, 2009


Dear Internets,

I'm so behind on documenting my ever-so-exciting life that I can't decide if I should try and play catch up, or if I should just skip the past events and start anew. The reality is, you aren't missing much. But there are a few things I've got queued up to write about. Like, well, my trip to San Francisco*. Or the day I gave up cable. I ran another race which involved big exciting goals to be met. Oh, and how about, I haven't eaten meat in over 6 weeks. I feel like those could all be interesting stories, and I'd like to tell them. But, I'm so tired, Internets. I'm so tired, and also a little insane. Observe.

Date: March 30th
Time: 4pm
Location: locked in an empty testing room with no windows.
Event: I was using my laptop and I clicked something, to open something. And then I was waiting for it to open. As I was waiting, I forgot what I was waiting for. I only perceived about 15 seconds of time had elapsed, but I had no clue what I was waiting for. Looking at the computer screen did not help to answer said question. To this day, I still have not remembered what I was trying to open/click on/look at or what I thought I was waiting for. Hopefully, it got accomplished somewhere.

Date: March 31st
Time: midnight
Location: perched on a bar stool at my table in my living room.
Event: I spent about 45 seconds hovering between the "send" and "save" buttons in gmail when trying to send an email. It took me 45 seconds to determine which button would actually achieve my desired results. Whats worse, I had to resort to a two-step process of figuring this out; 1.) what IS my desired result? 2.) which of these words means that. 45 seconds is actually a very long time for someone hoping to get their PhD to spend deciding between the words SEND and SAVE.

Date: April 1st
Time: 8am
Location: the shower
Event: face wash......shampoo......face wash......shampoo......face wash......shamp - wait a minute. Conditioner!

Respectfully yours,

*If I link you to my photos, and N's posts here, here, and here, I think we can check this one off the list!

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