Monday, April 16, 2007

fast times at ridgemont high

I work in a somewhat large building, about 10 stories, full of various types of scientists. There are lots of people in the building all doing research of various types on various topics. Somehow though, there never ceases to be excitement in the building, like the day there was a bomb scare. Last week I had plans to have lunch with a friend of mine. After we walked out of the cafeteria, with our lunches in hand, we had to search for a table. This activity always puts me back in the lunch room in high school, where you desperately scan the crowd to try and find your friends, or a table you can sit at, anywhere.

Today I was innocently walking downstairs to meet another friend for a snack. I walked out one door into a common area (with lots of tables for people to eat at) and I see two people "going at it". I don't want to simply say that they were kissing, I mean this was "Saturday night at the disco" quality making out.

At 3pm. At work. At a lunch table.

I did what anyone would do, I stopped and starred. I starred from a few different angles trying to see if I knew who it was. I mean, it's my opinion that if you are going to make out here, then I have every right to stare. I proceeded to go downstairs, where I told my friend (in my ever-so-soft indoor voice) that "there are totally two people making out up there!" When he asked where, I then pointed (loudly), and the two of us burst out laughing. I'm not sure who made more of a scene - the two of us pointing and laughing, or the two people "getting busy" upstairs.

Either way, the conclusion is the same. Scientists are fun.

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