The thing that pissed me off the most about the whole ordeal, how freaking wasteful moving is. I threw out perfectly good things because I didn't need them. Food, lots of food was tossed. It began to make me a little sick, just chucking everything. So I began loading my car up with things I thought I could unload on my parents. Like yogurt. And cherries. And spackle.
The stuff I packed into the pod on Monday was supposed to be picked up yesterday - but that didn't happen quite as planned. It was successfully picked up this afternoon. I was hoping that the extra time would allow me to shop for cool new things I needed, since there is extra room in the pod. You know, things like dishes, or pots and pans, or pillows. But, that didn't happen quite as planned. I did add 3 or 4 more things this morning. 8 rolls of paper towels, 6 rolls of toilet paper, paper bowls, paper plates, and plastic cups. I didn't want to waste them, so now I am paying to ship these things 2000 miles!
1 comment:
Chris and I hadn't gone grocery shopping in I don't know how long. We were eating the weirdest things at home when we weren't eating out. Our fridge was practically empty save for some hummus we continued to survive on. Maybe we needed some more of your life?
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