Monday, October 15, 2007


I knew that moving out of Boston would be difficult, and I knew I'd miss it - no other place has felt quite like home to me as Boston has. But I often wonder if it would be this difficult if this was not the best month to be in Boston. There isn't anything like October in Boston, particularly one when the Sox have won the division for the first time in 12 years. My friends here have quickly learned that I am a fan - and many of the other fans and I have found a few favorite places to watch the games.

On Friday I overheard someone say "ya, I'm heading to the crown right after this to save a table for the game" - he was speaking to one of his friends, and almost simultaneously his friend answered and I interrupted. His friend said "what game?" and I said "oh, you're watching at the crown tonight?" And in fact, he and I shared a laugh, because we had never watched or talked about the Sox before, we just both knew we were from Boston. And in Boston everyone knows WHICH game is THE game!

This afternoon I was studying with a friend of mine, and we were huddled over the computer in my office trying to figure out the mechanism by which decreased dopamine causes the rigid motion of Parkinson's disease when she said "Oh, you even have a red sox notepad" and she laughed. Without missing a beat or looking up, I simply said, "it's not a hobby." I don't think she quite understood. But, if she were from Boston she'd get it - and, especially this month, she'd likely have her own red sox notepad.

Go Sox!!

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