Monday, June 14, 2010

Bad Kitteh

Yesterday marked Day 8. The end of the week was similar to the beginning. She'd use the litter box in the early morning, things seemed ok. I was debating staying at stage 1 for another week, just so she could get used to it a bit better. But then, yesterday happened. It was monster cleaning day in our house, which always makes her a little skittish. She doesn't love when I'm in one room moving all the furniture around, so she travels through the house staying either ahead or behind me. She also hates the vacuum. When it was time to clean the bedroom she had been laying on this bag on my floor. She got up to run to another room, and there it was. She'd peed right on the bag. MIA! I was mad, so I treated her like a dog. I picked her up and yelled at her, I put her face in (ok, NEAR) the pee, and then I brought her right to her litter box.

This morning, much like every morning, she's been whining. I sat with her, I petted her, I played with her, I talked to her. And how does she repay me?! She peed ON MY BED! My bed! Again, I scolded her. And then I immediately put my sheets in the washing machine. I quickly grabbed some baking soda and piled it on my mattress and began searching the internet for some cleaning tips. Wouldn't you know, baking soda is the first in most lists.

Now, I'm unsure of how to proceed. I'm supposed to be patient, right?! I'm supposed to give her a chance, right?! We'll see what the rest of this week brings. But two accidents in two days - this is not very Mia-like.

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