Saturday, January 26, 2008

well said

I started a post after last weekend, but I was unhappy with the way it was turning out. So, as with many, it was left untouched. There are many such posts - typically about important events - where I feel my lackluster writing does it injustice. Posts about the Red Sox World Series win, hosting my first Thanksgiving, and even the day I had to give back my laptop, they go unfinished or unfollowed-up on. Last weekend was really one of the best weekends I've had in a while. I had my first visitor to Texas; not only was I excited to share things about my life here with someone from home, but it was really great to spend so much time with AY. She's so thoughtful and has already sent me a wonderful thank you note that sums up, much better, what I was trying to say. So - I'll steal it from her!
"So much fun packed in 4 days! Where to begin - tacos, longhorns, bbq, coffee in a soda cup, xxl cowhides for sale, dismembered doll butts, camera-shy killing knives, discontinued football purses, exes from Texas, chicken with herbes de Provence, line dancing, "everything's fiiiiiiine", tips on using a feather vs. a chicken, brownies with ice cream, buffalo chili."
I noticed only one thing missing from her description....but, she closes the letter with:

And remember -- W.W.J.R.D.?
In the end, it's all there. And was a great weekend in Austin (and surrounding areas). In addition to the fun, I learned some valuable lessons:

1. The pull out couch in my apartment is not only easy to pull out (if my 90 year old grandmother could do it I shouldn't have been worried...but I was) it's also not terribly uncomfortable.

2. The ghetto bathroom set-up in my apartment was not as horrible as I expected it to be.

3. A cowboy hat, western shirt, big belt buckle and boots make just about anyone incredibly attractive. And, two-steppin' around a dance floor can't hurt either.

4. A small diner in Johnson City claims to have "splits, phosphates, and iced tea" and the Fredericksburg Trade Days claim to sell primitives. Really, all I learned was that these things exist. I was at the diner and the Trade Days, but I have no idea what phosphates and primitives are.

5. Rain in Texas halts air-traffic as bad as a blizzard in Boston.

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